When you register with us you’re not just joining a ride. You’re not just joining a fundraiser. You’re becoming part of a powerful and passionate community that rides with determination, courage and commitment.
Choose to Ride or Volunteer today. So much is riding with us. Will you?
In addition to the benefits outlined above, all participants will receive a customizable Closer to Free Ride fundraising page and access to the CTF Ride App to support fundraising and training efforts.
Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale University employees receive a registration discount. Email RideCloserToFree@ynhh.org for details.
August 15: Final day to mail-in donations to meet minimum
August 15: Final day to qualify for Team Rewards
August 22: Final day to qualify for individual Fundraising Rewards(to be mailed pre-event)
August 22: Final day to qualify for Home Check-in (for in-person Riders)
August 30: Deadline to move/allocate team money to members
September 3: Fundraising commitment due by 11:59pm
September 4: Fundraising balances due charged
September 6: Pre-Ride sponsored by Bank of America from 11am to 7pm
(required for all In-Person Riders not earning Home Check-In)
September 7: Ride Day
September 30: Fundraising closes & final day for Fundraising Rewards qualification