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2024 Premier Circle

The individuals listed below have all raised at least $3,000 and are members of the 2024 Premier Circle.

We are inspired by and grateful for their efforts. Thank you Premier Circle Members!

Vincent Celella, Jillian Clemente, Clayton Curtiss, Mark Czarnecki, Gary Dangle, Lubelia DeBrum, Billy Dudjoc, Ronald Ferrucci, Tom Fitzgerald, Famatta Gibson, Bryan Keilty, James Kimball, Mike Lavorgna, Joseph Locke, Gina Malafronte, Adam Marchand, Katharine Mix, Delaney O'Keefe, Shawn Okeefe, Walter Orf, Andrew Pelletier, Stephen Rappaport, Abigail Roth, Stephanie Schmidt

Top Fundraising Individuals & Teams

We thank and applaud the individuals and teams below who are determined to go above and beyond with their fundraising efforts. Check out the leaderboards below to see the current rankings for top individuals and top teams.