Whether we’re together or apart for the Closer to Free Ride, nothing is more important than your safety. Please review and familiarize yourself with the following rules and tips to ensure that everyone stays safe while riding and fundraising.
Mandatory Requirements
All Riders must wear an approved ANSI, Snell or ASTM helmet.
Do not use headphones or earbuds while riding.
Event wristband must be worn at all times.
Disregarding Ride policies or the instructions of Staff or Road Crew is cause for immediate dismissal from the Ride.
Route & Road Safety
ROADS ARE NOT CLOSED (except for the 10-mile route).
The route is marked with Green CTF Ride route arrows (posted approximately every 1⁄4 mile).
Obey local traffic laws: stop at all stop signs and red lights.
Ride single file at all times, except when passing on the left.
Call out 'On Your Left' when passing and look behind before pulling out.
Be on the lookout for car doors opening.
If you have a mechanical issue while on the route, call the Emergency Help Line number on your wristband, and we will try to get you back on the road.
If you cannot continue riding, a sweep vehicle can advance you to the next rest stop where you can get help to continue riding or be transported back to the Yale Bowl.
Riders must maintain a minimum riding speed of 12mph for route support and rest areas and finish festival services.
Riders falling behind pace may be moved forward by support teams.
The route closes at 5:00 pm. Riders on the route at 5:00 pm will be swept to the Yale Bowl, no exceptions. Our caboose follows the last rider and will provide options to you so that you can spend as many miles in the saddle as possible.